
Quicklet, Letting Agency in Belfast, Lisburn, Lurgan & Edinburgh

If you experience a maintenance problem that is outside quicklet's opening hours then please use the emergency number provided on your handover pack or your lease.

You can find out what is deemed as an emergency from the "List of emergencies" provided to you in your handover pack.

It should be noted that if you call the emergency number to report a fault that is not deemed an emergency you may be liable for costs incurred.

For Belfast fill in the form below. For Lisburn & Lurgan, please click the link and complete the form.

Lurgan / Lisburn Report An Issue

Report an issue

Please check you have entered all details correctly:

Upload files & media here

We would ask that you take photos and videos to accompany the above form and upload here.

Files can be uploaded as ".png", ".gif", ".jpeg", ".jpg", ".pdf", ".doc", ".docx", ".txt", ".webm", ".ogv", ".avi", ".mp4", ".mov" and are restricted to a total limit of 20MB.

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